" " " Make Your Own Microwave Kettlecorn Popcorn | Low-Fat-Snacks "

Make Your Own Microwave Kettlecorn Popcorn

A healthy, fast way to enjoy microwave popcorn without the cost of store-bought microwave popcorn and without the additives, artificial colors and chemicals. In 2 minutes have fresh, pipping hot popcorn. If you like Kettle-corn this is the easy and simplest way to make it- and it is a no mess solution to popping on the stove. I also air pop popcorn but to get Kettle-corn it is harder that way. 4 ingredients- popcorn kernels, salt, olive oil non-stick spray, and sugar along with a paperbag make healthy, cheap microwave popcorn. try other spices to create your own combination and taste.

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