The Green Nut - Pistachios - NAPS-TV
If you want to have a healthy heart, registered dietitians say, it's good to go green. That's because there's growing evidence that suggests eating pistachios, the only green nut, daily could help reduce your risk of heart disease. It's due to the nut's rich antioxidant content, which may help lower levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol. That's according to research by Penn state University's Doctor Penny Kris-Etherton in an article in the journal of nutrition. In the study, those who ate pistachios received more antioxidants than those who ate a low-fat diet without the nuts. More antioxidants can mean fewer of the plaques believed to play a role in blocking arteries. In addition, a different Penn State study found pistachios are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease and other chronic conditions. Pistachios are a naturally cholesterol-free snack. A one-ounce serving of pistachios is forty-nine nuts, more than any other snack nut. Pistachios are also rich in potassium. For more healthy tips, visit or follow The Green Nut on Twitter.
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Posted in: NAPSTV, Pistachios on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at at 9:20 PM