" " " Low-Fat-Snacks: February 2011 "

Quick, Healthy and Easy Snack Ideas From Bethenny Frankel

Celebrity Natural Foods Chef Bethenny Frankel teaches you how to make healthy quick and easy snacks. diet.com Find more fitness videos at diet.com or own this video for just $0.75! Here are her recipes and secrets to staying thin. All are under 200 calories but will save you 500. Bethenny shows you how to enjoy food without the guilt. First appearing on Martha Stewart's The Apprentice, Bethenny now cooks for many celebrities and has become a star herself. Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com iTunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's Fitness Blog - www.examiner.com

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Healthy Sandwich and Lunch Choices

Lunch meat should have less than 500 mg of sodium per serving, and 1 gram or less of saturated fat. Cheese should be low in fat, with 5 grams or fewer per serving. This clip is brought to you by Lifetime Television's website, myLifetime.com, the ultimate digital destination for women's entertainment and escape.

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Poker Night: Cancer Project Public Service Announcement

More than 186000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the next year. But studies have shown that men who have three or more servings of vegetables a day have a lower risk of prostate cancer compared with those who eat fewer fruits and vegetables. Poker Night, a humorous new PSA from The Cancer Project, a PCRM affiliate, opens with an engaging group of average, middle-aged men enjoying an evening of poker, banter, and healthy low-fat snacks. When an unsuspecting new player enters carrying a large bucket of fried chicken, the players subject him to good-natured new guy ribbing—and the new guy learns that a low-fat vegetarian diet can help prevent prostate cancer.

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Kenmore Live Studio: Healthy Kids' Healthy New Year with Chef David Blackmon - Full Show

Here at the Kenmore Live Studio Chef David Blackmon of the Chicago Public Schools introduces himself and his kids, Maya and David Jr. They then prepare some healthy homemade trail mix, then explains how to interest your kids in cooking while demonstrating how to make homemade pizza sauce and how to prepare a pita pizza. "Kenny More," the world's first spokesmime (for a brand that speaks for itself), then performs some tricks with marshmallows for the audience. Finally, Chef Blackmon and his kids then demonstrate how to make tasty but healthy smoothies before putting the finishing touches on the pita pizza. Become our fan by clicking the "Like" button at www.facebook.com to see other full shows, recipe videos, and more.

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Summer's Simple Snacks

Summer shows kids how to prepare simple, healthy snacks on their own.

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Baked Pita Chips Recipe - Snack Idea

HowToExpo.com How to make baked Pita Chips. Great way to use pita bread to bake a healthy snack. To try this recipe and the ingredients and directions plus great dip ideas, visit http An easy pita bread baked chips recipe with olive oil and sea salts. A great alternative to the store bought chips as they are low in fat, can control the amount of sodium, as many watch there sodium intake diet. Serve with hummus, 7 layer dip, spinach dip, salsa dip, ranch dressing, and wide variety of delicious dips. Making baked pita chips can be seasoned with many herbs and spices to taste. Baking is much heart healthier version then frying the pita bread. A great gourmet, snack idea. No need to purchase over priced bags of pita chips, when its simple and easy to make your own at home. Plus its fresh and you can control what herbs spices, salt etc you put on the healthy snack. Depending where you purchase a bag of pita bread, the cost is usually under $1.00 for a count of 6 breads. Try middle eastern or ethnic markets for great deals on pita bread. HowToExpo.com To save on groceries try my coupons on groceries blog http

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Easy, Healthy, Cheap Microwave Popcorn

An experienced and successful dieter shares her method of making microwave popcorn. It is cheap, easy and requires no added fat of any kind.

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