" " " Low-Fat-Snacks: November 2010 "

Self-Sabotage Snacking After Gastric Bypass Surgery: Why Do We Do It?

LivingAfterWLS reader feedback indicates snacking is the single biggest problem for people after having gastric bypass - the problem being we snack on unhealthy items, we sabotage our weight loss or weight maintenance and we spiral back into the self-loathing that is so much an emotional part of morbid obesity.

None of us goes into surgery expecting to be the one "who lost all that weight and put it back on." None of us goes into surgery expecting to become sneak eaters. We all believe we can beat obesity with our "tool" and we all expect to become healthier, more active, and yes dare I say more attractive and happier after WLS and massive weight loss.

Then why do we work so hard to defeat the system? To abuse the tool?

I spent time perusing the personal journal I've kept since weight loss surgery and I discovered some interesting things about myself and my snacking habits. See if these sound familiar to you:

- Five PM is a trigger snack time for me because I grew up having an after school snack (hungry or not) and when I walk in the door at night from my grown-up job I become a school kid and I want/need/crave my "after school snack."

- When I opt for healthy high protein, low fat, low carbohydrate snacks I am remarkably satisfied and pleased with myself. These snacks include cottage cheese, a hard-cooked egg, deli turkey, sugar-free gelatin, beef jerky, almonds.

- Most often I opt for soft food snacks: crackers, trail mix RitzBitz, wheat toast with peanut butter, and worst of all, Nutter-Butter cookies. When I indulge in these snacks I am not satisfied, I feel sluggish and I become self-loathing. I risk dumping.

- Most of my snacking is done covertly - I purchase a single serve pack from the convenience store and eat it in private; never at my work desk, never in front of my family. This covert behavior is reminiscent of pre-WLS days and causes me to be disgusted with myself. "Who in the hell are you hiding from?" I asked myself in one entry.

- It never occurs to me to snack on carrots or apple slices or berries, oh no! I've convinced myself that roughage stuff will just tear up my tiny tummy. "Can't have that", I say shaking my head with much willpower and determination.

- Consistently my entries about snacking or self-loathing and remorseful filled with negative self talk like "ate mindlessly, AGAIN", "nervous snacking today," "carelessly ate a box of animal crackers, never tasted a bite and then got sick: I'm an idiot", "I was shoving food in my face like a junkyard dog - how ugly that must have looked", "I made stupid food choices today and then ate chocolate cake with frosting and dumped; it was like I was trying to punish myself and I did."

- Consistently my entries about exercising are positive filled with words like "felt great" "could have ran another mile" "feel so strong" "tons of energy" "fantastic workout" "strong lungs feel phenomenal". Yet I more consistently reach for the snack bag than I do my running shoes. Why can't I get it through my thick head what a remarkable thing exercise is for me and that I really do enjoy it and I like myself when I move my body? Why is that such a hard concept to grasp? Why do I prefer to snack and engage in self-loathing?

- If I see the scale going up I panic and then I snack - almost as if I'm sending the message "This (weight loss) was too good to be true; better hurry-up and defeat myself."

- Sometimes I snack just because it's there - just like before surgery.

- I could not find a single entry that read "I was actually hungry today so I had a snack." That tells me I never snack because I'm hungry. Honestly, I seldom feel hungry so why am I snacking?

Do these behaviors sound familiar to you? Are they some of the demons you are fighting these days? Snacking truly is bariatric purgatory because it derails weight loss and causes self-loathing. And worst of all, we do it to ourselves.

For ongoing dialog about snacking and strategies to beat the habit after gastric bypass click on http://www.livingafterwls.blogspot.com.

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My Health Regimen: Exercise and Diet Tips

Hey loves!!! I had a few requests to my daily work-out routine and how I stay in shape. So, this video tells you what I do at the gym and what I eat to stay healthy and ready for that beach bod!!! Lemme know if you actually want to see me working out! Enjoyyy and Subscribe! Love yall!!

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Baba ghanouj Quick and Easy

Baba ghanouj or Baba ghanouj is a tasty mediteranian dip. howtoexpo.com Perfect with pita chips, or spread. Traditionally its served by kabobs or BBQ. More recipes to come. Do not forget to subscribe.

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Quick, Healthy and Easy Corn Dog Muffins Recipe by Vitalicious

Here's another Vitalicious healthy baking recipe by Elaine Magee. This quick, healthy & easy to bake Corn Dog muffin recipe uses Vitalicious 100-calorie Golden Corn VitaMuffin mix. It is the perfect fix for a healthy low calorie snack or high fiber kids meal. This protein packed recipe has 160 calories, 5g fiber and 7g protein per corn dog muffin. Elaine Magee is a nutrition expert/writer for WEBMD.com is known as the Recipe Doctor because she "doctors" real recipes while retaining the original good taste. And she keeps it easy. She believes that if there is a shortcut in the kitchen, you should take it!

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The Pulse 3.15: Beating Childhood Obesity

Welcome to the Pulse Three-Point-Fifteen: In this episode we discuss our government's new push to reduce childhood obesity. Earlier this month First Lady Michelle Obama and the White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity presented 70 initiatives to reduce childhood obesity from 20 percent to 5 percent by the year 20-30. In this video, watch Obama and the task force present their historic action plan. Each of the 70 initiatives fall into five main categories. These are to fight obesity by beginning in early childhood -- empowering parents -- improving school foods -- improving access to healthy food -- and increasing physical activity. Nearly one in three children is overweight, and nearly one in five is considered obese. It's something the First Lady feels passionate about, and she is committed to creating awareness. On the Let's Move! Channel you will hear first-hand why the issue has touched her life. You will also hear encouragement from celebrities and Olympic athletes, who share why it is important to keep young kids active to achieve a healthy weight. If you're feeling inspired to join the movement -- check out icyou users Dr. MDK and nutritionist Dr. Ann Kulze for excellent tips on how to kick-start a healthy lifestyle for children. In this video, Dr. MDK shares his experience working with families who are dealing with childhood obesity. He speaks with Dr. Henry Anhalt to find the best tips for how to keep your kids active -- and help them reach their goal weight ...

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Choose a Low Calorie Snack For Work

With the hectic work life, you can choose a low calorie snack to stay fit there as well. Some of the best low fat snacks to stuff your belly as well as watch your calories are given below.

Dried fruits: Dried fruits come in the category of A+ low calorie snack as they have high fiber content to keep you in good physical shape. They are suitable for people with obvious sweet cravings.

Hard boiled eggs: One hard-boiled egg is a wholesome diet snack for a fit person. It contains 80 calories approximately and several nutrients.

Plain popcorn: There are about 93 calories in three cups of plain air popped popcorn. Therefore, it is considered the best as well as the most delicious low calorie snacks on the go.

Almonds: You can eat about 10 almonds per day as they only contain 100 calories; they are quite nutritious too.

Yogurt: Yogurt is full of calcium and short on calories. Skim milk yogurt is the best option for a low diet snack.

Soy and carrots: Another way to put fewer calories is to have low carbohydrate soy chips, as a substitute for usual potato chips.

Low Calorie Snacks for Work

When going to office in a hurry; you skip the breakfast and have to eat in the office canteen. Eating out is not good for you, so prepare easy a low fat snack which is quite healthy as well. This will help to fill you up without hindering your instant weight loss scheme. Easy Recipes:

o A mixture of 3 tablespoons of raisin and 3 tablespoons of dry roasted pistachios can be made by you.

o 1 Clementine and 1 tablespoon of honey makes a good combo.

o ½ cup frozen yogurt, ¼ cups sliced strawberries and 1 tablespoon of chocolate sauce will satisfy your sweet tooth.

o 2 kiwis of medium size are allowed, as well as vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, cauliflower, fennel, etc.

These low fat snacks not only fill your stomach but are also nutritious. For instant weight loss, you can have you favorite easy to make low calorie snack.

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Fast Diets That Work - Lose 9 Lbs in 11 Days!

Looking for fast diets that work, and work really well? Below are 4 tips a healthy diet must meet -

Fast Diets That Work

1. A diet should not encourage you to cut out any food groups, rather it should encourage you to eat by striking a balance. You see, carbs, healthy fats, protein and fiber are all essential for a healthy body. And it is only through good health that you can have a better life.

2. A healthy diet is about eating at least 4 healthy meals a day - by eating more, even on low fat snacks (like an apple), you can reduce the cravings. To do that, your meal should consist plenty of fiber, and the rest - that means eating plenty of fresh foods with low fat ingredients. So make sure your diet (especially fast diets that work) consist of fresh foods.

3. A diet that works should also show you how to plan your meals with the best foods. By planning in advance, you are avoiding the temptations of eating out or buying take outs. Hence this where diet generators like Fat Loss 4 Idiots can help - it plans 4 healthy meals a day over an 11 day period, which is then followed by 3 cheat days of eating of whatever you like. This variety adds more enjoyment to your diet, but most of all, it can show you the best foods to eat to lose weight with! Although it claims to help you lose 9 lbs in 11 days, it is best to learn how to eat smarter.

4. Be consistent with your diet - if you want to lose weight and keep it off, then you must eat sensibly daily...and exercise regularly. At the end of the day, fast diets that work must promote healthy habits - since it will improve your health!

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7 Simple Secrets to Successful Weight Loss - Diets Not Included

Losing weight doesn't mean you have to diet. In fact the word diet often brings to mind starvation and deprivation to lose weight. But guess what - you can't keep up an eating plan that consists of starvation. Sure you may lose the weight in the short run, but at some point, sooner rather than later, your body will demand that you eat - and the weight will come back with a vengeance.

So if you truly want to lose weight, forget about the word diet and follow these simple secrets for successful weight

Use a food diary. Write down everything you eat for two eats. Include how much you eat, when and where. Note down how your feeling so that you can track if your eating is a response to some sort of emotional trigger. Review your food diary and you'll be surprised to find out where the bad habits are - and you'll quickly be able to remedy them.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink half a glass of water every hour. Many times we think we're hungry when actually we're just thirsty. A body full of water will be less likely to snack on food and consume unnecessary calories.
Exercise - Yes, this is one of the best secrets to weight loss. The more you exercise the less careful you'll need to be about counting every calorie. Exercise will also increase your metabolism - the rate at which you burn calories, even when you're resting. Another great thing about exercise - it make you feel better which means you'll be less likely to reach for a snack when things aren't going your way.
Me Mindful of your portions - Most Americans eat too much at a meal. Restaurant meals definitely come in super size portions - plan from the beginning to take some home with you. But even at home, we can overfill our plates and our stomachs - long after we've reached a point of fullness.
Don't skip meals - you may think taking one of the three meals out of your day will help you lose weight, but that isn't the case. You'll just slow down your metabolism and wind up with a case of the starvies - this means you're more likely to overeat at lunchtime to compensate for your empty belly.
Eat Your Veggies - vegetables are a fat free low calorie food and fill you up with fiber. Make your servings of vegetables at dinner and lunch the largest on your plate and you'll find the pound slipping away - one note, broccoli in cheese sauce doesn't count.
Plan Helpful snacks - Snacks are ok when you're trying to lose weight, but don't get caught staring at a vending machine and reaching for a candy bar just to satisfy your cravings. Plan to carry healthy, low fat snacks around - whether its fruit, or low fat crackers or popcorn - just stash them in your bag so that you reach for them at snack time.

Using these simple tips you can unlock the secrets of losing weight without dieting. Keep yourself hydrated, exercise, and watch your portion size and you will soon find those pounds slipping away.

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