" " " Low-Fat-Snacks: August 2011 "

Best 125-Calorie Snacks

The Good Housekeeping Research Institute shows you delicious, healthy snacks that'll keep you satisfied. Good Housekeeping Videos: www.goodhousekeeping.com Good Housekeeping Magazine: www.goodhousekeeping.com Subscribe to Good Housekeeping: subscribe.hearstmags.com -

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Healthy Meals for a Glycemic Index Diet : Organic Cracker & Hummus Snack for a Healthy Glycemic Diet

A healthy snack that has a low glycemic index is organic shredded wheat crackers and hummus, which includes many nutrients and fills the appetite. Eat this as a healthy late-night snack with information from a health and wellness consultant in this free video on a healthy diet. Expert: Rebecca Robinson Bio: Rebecca Robinson is a health and wellness consultant in the Tampa Bay area.

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Hail Merry - Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Snacks

Hail Merry makes raw food snacks. This is an introduction to why Susan O'Brien, the founder of Hail Merry is vegan. This is the beginning

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Matri recipe

Recipe for the famous north indian snack - Matri. For more details go to www.edewcate.com

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The Green Nut - Pistachios - NAPS-TV

If you want to have a healthy heart, registered dietitians say, it's good to go green. That's because there's growing evidence that suggests eating pistachios, the only green nut, daily could help reduce your risk of heart disease. It's due to the nut's rich antioxidant content, which may help lower levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol. That's according to research by Penn state University's Doctor Penny Kris-Etherton in an article in the journal of nutrition. In the study, those who ate pistachios received more antioxidants than those who ate a low-fat diet without the nuts. More antioxidants can mean fewer of the plaques believed to play a role in blocking arteries. In addition, a different Penn State study found pistachios are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease and other chronic conditions. Pistachios are a naturally cholesterol-free snack. A one-ounce serving of pistachios is forty-nine nuts, more than any other snack nut. Pistachios are also rich in potassium. For more healthy tips, visit thegreennut.org or follow The Green Nut on Twitter.

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Healthy Snacks!

A couple great, yummy snacks that are low fat and very healthy! Maggies Blog: mjmay.tumblr.com Twitter: twitter.com Formspring: www.formspring.me

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Fat Free Products Can Make You Fat

If you trying to lose weight beware of certain "fat-free" or "low-fat" products. Even though they are low in fat it doesn't necessarily mean that they are low in calories. And, if they contain flour, they can cause you to gain weight.

White flour comes from grain which has been stripped of all its natural fiber and ingredients; it has little nutritional value and will cause you to gain weight.

Here's some really good news. If you do nothing more than stop eating all products made with flour you will lose weight.

White flour is a bad carbohydrate.

Now, here's why. White processed flour is similar to white sugar. It comes from grain which has been chemically treated during the growing process, stripped of all its natural fiber and nutrients, and chemically bleached to make it a pretty white. Not to mention pretty unhealthy.

It's a food that the body does not know how to digest. It has little nutritional value, spikes your insulin and can cause constipation. Yet the American Dietetic Association recommends we eat 8-11 servings of them in our daily diets. And that's not good advice.

The public has been programmed to believe that white flour products are healthy and should be part of your daily diet.

This is because they are low in fat, cholesterol and calories. People eat things like white bread, cereals, pasta, bagels, crackers and pretzels and believe they are eating healthy because some these foods are labeled "low-fat" or "fat-free".

But what food manufacturers have failed to mention in their clever advertising is that these products have zero nutritional value and can lead to poor health. And most of them are chock full of bad carbohydrate calories which turn into fat.

This may surprise you; wheat bread is not any healthier for you than white bread.

They both have a high glycemic index rating of around 100 which is unhealthy. Even though wheat bread has been minimally processed and contains more fiber it is still full of the wrong carbohydrates that will turn to fat and cause you to gain weight.

If you are trying to lose weight stay away from whole wheat bread, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat pancake mix, shredded wheat, wheat crackers, raisin bran, and the thousands of other wheat-containing products that promise health.

As many as 75 percent of overweight and obese people in the U.S. may be addicted - through poor eating habits - to either bad carbohydrates or the protein called gluten, which is a problematic protein present found in all wheat, whole wheat, wheat bran, rye, and barley products. Soy flour and corn bran do not contain gluten.

Stick to healthy foods if you want to lose weight

Stay away from flour products if you want to lose weight. Learn to substitute other healthy foods for flour products and you will see faster results for your weight loss program.

You may have difficulty eliminating all flour products from your diet overnight. If this is the case then start by staying away from snack foods made with flour.

Satisfy your cravings for unhealthy snacks and get your daily fiber by eating good and healthy carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables.

Eliminating flour products from your diet is one the quickest ways to lose weight. However, it's not easy to stop eating breads and snack foods. You can start by substituting other healthier snacks and be on your way to losing excess weight and improving your overall health.

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